
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Education Media Network

The Education Media Network is pleased to announce the launch of their new service: EMN Newsline.

EMN Newsline is used to transmit news and information to a particular audience. It organizes and communicates news stories from different sectors of the education industry to the public. This will benefit companies, associations, educational institutions or agencies connected to the education industry who are looking for a way to get news to a selected media and have them review information for publication.

“We recognize as the education market continues to expand and evolve, companies are looking for alternative methods to communicate to the public and potential customers on a national scope. EMN offers efficient and cost effective services that address the need to distribute news and information across Canada,” says Francis.

With up-to-the-minute news distribution, event management and timely product launches, Education Media Network is an intelligent choice to link with the broad and expanding education marketplace. EMN is properly positioned to ensure your needs are uncompromisingly met and your communication and marketing goals are achieved.

New In Education

New In Education Inc. is dedicated solely to the education market, we have been able to design our services to address the unique needs of both private and public organizations.

services focus on three key areas:
  • Consulting
  • Communication and marketing
  • Educational resources

    The landscape of the education industry is changing at a tremendous pace and with it the needs of organizations participating in this sector. Our goal is to help organizations achieve their goals and overcome challenges within the education industry.
  • National Universities

    To rank colleges and universities, U.S. News first assigns schools to a group of their peers, based on the basic categories developed by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in 2006. Those in the National Universities group are the 262 American universities (164 public and 98 private) that offer a wide range of undergraduate majors as well as master's and doctoral degrees; many strongly emphasize research.

    In each category, data on up to 15 indicators of academic quality are gathered from each school and tabulated. Schools are ranked within categories by their total weighted score.

    Top Schools:
    The top 50 percent of schools in this category, ranked numerically
    Tier 3 Schools:
    The next 25 percent of schools in this category, listed alphabetically
    Tier 4 Schools:
    The bottom 25 percent of schools in this category, listed alphabetically
    Unranked Schools:
    These school in this category have not been ranked, listed alphabetically
    Best Values:
    Schools that are above average academically and cost significantly less than many when the financial aid, in the form of need-based grants that they dispense, is taken into account

    Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs

    The following tables show the U.S. News rankings of undergraduate programs accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. The rankings are based solely on a peer survey of deans and senior faculty that asked them to rate each program they are familiar with on a scale from 1 (marginal) to 5 (distinguished).

    The second table shows programs at schools that offer doctorates, which often means a wider range of offerings at the undergraduate level, too. Students who prefer a program focused on undergraduates can consult the list below of top programs at schools whose terminal degree is the bachelor's or master's.

    Forty-five percent of those surveyed returned ratings of the group whose terminal degree in engineering is a bachelor's or master's; 59 percent did so for the doctorate group. We also asked for nominations of the best programs in specialty areas; those receiving the most mentions in each appear here. Schools offering any courses in a specialty are eligible to be ranked in that specialty.

    Tuesday, August 21, 2007

    United World Colleges

    The United World Colleges (UWC) are a group of twelve international schools. Founded during the Cold War, the United World College Movement aimed at promoting understanding between the different nations through education and through interaction between young people from different countries, living and working together. The UWC select students from around the globe at a pre-university level, selected on merit, regardless of their financial, ethnic, religious or educational background and regardless of their ability to pay.

    The international organisation of UWC is a British based foundation that comprises twelve colleges in Canada, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Norway, Singapore, Swaziland, the United States, Venezuela and the United Kingdom, and, as of August 2006, newly opened eleventh and twelfth Colleges in Costa Rica and Bosnia and Herzegovina ; National Committees in more than 130 countries; a network of more than 36,000 graduates and an International Office in London. The United World Colleges usually accept students who are between 16 to 18 years old, with exception of the ones in Singapore and Swaziland. Each UWC typically comprises between 200 and 300 students from about 90 different countries.

    The first UWC, the Atlantic College, located in a 12th Century Castle in the Vale of Glamorgan in South Wales, United Kingdom was founded in 1962 with the initiative of Kurt Hahn, a renowned German educationalist. His vision was based on his post-war experience at the NATO, where discussion between former enemies fascinated him. He wanted to transmit a spirit of mutual understanding to young people to help them overcome prejudice antagonism through living and working together.

    Hahn envisaged a college educating boys and girls of age 16 to 19, from different origins. The selection would be based on personal motivation and potential, regardless of any social, economic or cultural factors. A scholarship programme would facilitate recruitment of young people from different economic backgrounds. The project was realised in 1962 with the inauguration of the Atlantic College in Wales.

    Since 1967, under the presidency of Lord Mountbatten, new Colleges were founded in order to give more people access to the UWC system. In 1971 the United World College of South East Asia was established in Singapore, followed by the UWC of the Pacific in Canada in 1974. Under the presidency of Prince Charles, four more UWC were inaugurated: 1981 in Swaziland, 1982 in Italy and in the United States and 1988 in Venezuela. The rhythm accelerated with the foundation of three Colleges within five years: 1992 in Hong Kong, 1995 in Norway and 1997 in India, this rising the number of Colleges to ten. The eleventh and the twelfth College in Costa Rica and Bosnia & Herzegovina were opened in 2006.

    The threat of an international conflict decreased with the end of the Cold War, but regional and inter-ethnic conflicts have since then increased. The UWC have been attempting to establish links between individuals of different ideologies and perspectives. Their mission is to answer Lester B. Pearson's interrogation: "How can there be peace without people understanding each other; and how can this be if they don't know each other?"

    Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan has been President of the United World Colleges since 1995. Former South African President Nelson Mandela has been the honorary president of the UWC since 1999.

    Microcredit Summit Campaign

    The Microcredit Summit started in February of 1997. More than 2,900 people from 137 countries gathered in Washington, DC to launch a nine-year campaign to reach 100 million of the world’s poorest families. With training in self-employment and the help of many financial institutions and business services, they initially strived to reach the women of these poor families. That goal was almost reached in November of 2006, causing the Campaign to be re-launched and extended until 2015 with two new goals:
    Goal #1: Working to ensure that 175 million of the world's poorest families, especially the women of those families, are receiving credit for self-employment and other financial and business services by the end of 2015
    Goal #2: Working to ensure that 100 million families rise above the US$1 a day threshold adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP), between 1990 and 2015.

    The core themes of the Microcredit Summit Campaign are:

    • Reaching the poorest
    • Reaching and empowering women
    • Building financially self-sufficient institutions
    • Ensuring a positive, measurable impact on the lives of clients and their families

    The Campaign brings together microcredit practitioners, advocates, educational institutions, donor agencies, international financial institutions, non-governmental organizations and others involved with microcredit to promote best practices in the field, to stimulate the interchanging of knowledge, and to work towards reaching our goals.

    2005 Statistics:

    • 3,133 microcredit institutions have reached 113,261,390 clients
    • 81,949,036 of these clients were among the poorest of the poor
    • Of these poorest clients, 84.2 percent are women
    • By the end of 2005, around 410 million family members have been positively affected through Microcredit.

    A Success Story through Microcredit Summit Campaign:

    La Maman Mole Motuke lived in a wrecked car in a suburb of Kinshasa, Zaire with her four children. If she could find something to eat, she would feed two of her children; the next time she found something to eat, her other two children would eat. When organizers from a microcredit lending institution interviewed her, she said that she knew how to make chikwangue (manioc paste), and she only needed a few dollars to start production. After six months of training in marketing and production techniques, Maman Motuke got her first loan of US $100, and bought production materials. Today, Maman Motuke and her family no longer live in a broken-down car; they rent a house with two bedrooms and a living room. Her four children go to school consistently, eat regularly, and dress well. She currently is saving to buy some land in a suburb farther outside of the city and hopes to build a house.

    United World College of the Adriatic

    United World College of the Adriatic (UWCAD) is a part of the United World Colleges. The school, which is in the village of Duino, near Trieste and Monfalcone in North-Eastern Italy, was founded in 1982, by the Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, with the support of the Italian Government. The school has 200 students from about 80 different countries, who study the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (a programme that prepares students for university studies) for two years.

    All students attending the United World College of the Adriatic are scholarship holders and the scholarship covers all costs for full board and tuition for the two years. The students are selected by national selection committees, on the basis of academic achievement, leadership potential, extracurricular activities and personal qualities. Students at the college are eligible, after graduation, to participate in the Shelby Davis Scholarship programme, which funds undergraduate study for UWC students at universities, such as Harvard University, Princeton University or Columbia University, in the United States.

    The Italian National Commission for the United World College is under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic. It is responsible for communication with the international organisation and for the selection of Italian pupils, chosen exclusively on merit, who receive study grants for their two years at the College.

    At present 25% of its pupils come from developing countries, 25% from eastern Europe (including two pupils from Serbia and two from Bosnia and Herzegovina), 25% from Italy and 25% from other industrialised countries. The geographical location of the Duino College makes it a meeting point for the Latin, Germanic and Slav cultures and gives it a special role in relations with eastern and central European countries.During the civil war in the former Yugoslavia pupils from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia led, and continue to lead, a harmonious life together in the United World College of the Adriatic.

    The students are all admitted on the basis of a severe selection process conducted in their home countries and come to the College with the assistance of a study grant. They are chosen exclusively according to merit, irrespective of family income, race, language or religion.

    The United World College provides courses of the highest academic quality in a special educational environment. The curriculum includes the final two years of secondary education leading to the award of the International Baccalaureate, a qualification recognised by a great many universities, including the most prestigious in the world. The College’s working language is English, but pupils are also given Italian language lessons. Respect for pupils’ cultural identity is ensured by the practice and study of their native languages through the system of language tutors. About 30 native languages and literatures are taught in the College. A full-time teaching staff is recruited internationally and a number of teachers are appointed directly by their respective governments.


    Since 1972 the sole academic programme has been the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. The College was influential in the creation of the International Baccalaureate and continues to be actively involved in its development. The average pupil at Atlantic College scores 37 in their IB diploma, a full 10 points higher than the worldwide average. This high level of academic attainment is reflected in the destinations of the school's graduates.

    Graduates are typically accepted at the most competitive colleges and universities around the world. Most students take up places at American Universities such as Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Harvard University, Princeton University, and Yale University. Many other students attend British Universities such as Oxford University, Cambridge University and the University of Edinburgh. Students at the college are eligible, after graduation, to participate in the Shelby Davis Scholarship programme, which funds undergraduate study (based on need) for UWC students at universities in the United States.

    Electronics Engineering Technology Degree

    Discover how easy and affordable it is to get started on your Bachelor Degree. World College offers an independent study four-year technical degree that prepares its students for high-tech careers in electronics, computer technology, telecommunications, electrical power and control systems.

    Over 300 laboratory experiments provide the hands-on training you'll need to succeed and you can take your exams online.

    World College retains a staff of instructors that will work directly with you to answer any questions you may have. They're only a toll free phone call or e-mail away so you never have to study alone.

    World College's curriculum is taught in an effective, time proven independent study environment. With World College's flexible study schedule, you study when it's most convenient for you.

    Learn at your own pace and graduate with a degree that's accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council located in Washington, DC and recognized around the globe!

    textbook in Boston College

    At many colleges and universities, wikis are used mostly as a supplement to primary teaching tools like textbooks and labs, while other Web 2.0 technologies -- such as social networking sites like Facebook -- have become a staple of student life.

    In one Boston College professor's classroom, however, wikis have become a primary learning tool, replacing textbooks and allowing improved collaboration among students. The wiki is even used to let students submit possible questions for examinations, many of which actually appear on tests.

    Gerald Kane, assistant professor of information systems at the Chestnut Hill, Mass., school, has been using a wiki from SocialText Inc. as the primary teaching tool in his classroom since October, relying on the technology to integrate content from other Web 2.0 technologies like social book-making tools, RSS systems, and Google for his "Computers in Management" courses.

    "[The wiki] has become a really robust tool and has changed the way I teach, primarily because it means I am more of a guide to them rather than a lecturer," Kane said. "My job is to teach them how to navigate this information on the Web. The wiki is now the basis and the platform on which my class is based."

    For example, before students submit papers to Kane, they can post them on the wiki to be reviewed by other students.

    "The students are able to revise them before they submit them into me for grading," he said. "I went back and compared students who revised papers based on peer feedback to those who didn't. Those who did got a grade bump higher."

    In addition, Kane does not write his own exam questions, but instead allows students to post suggested exam questions and submit answers to the wiki. Other students can edit the answers if they feel they are wrong. Some 350 exam questions have been generated using this tactic, he said.

    "For the last couple of sessions, 100% of the exam has come from student questions," Kane added. "Students see the entire test beforehand but they don't know what questions I am going to [use]."

    Some recent research surveys have found that some companies are investing in wikis, but the technology is used less heavily than other Web 2.0 tools like RSS feeds and social networks. For example, only 33% of executives surveyed by McKinsey & Co. for a report issued in March said that their companies are investing in wiki technologies. The survey concluded that companies are investing more heavily in Web services, RSS, podcasts, social networking and peer-to-peer networking

    But Kane noted that because the wiki is collaborative and dynamic -- he and his students can update it as quickly as world events change -- it is a much better classroom tool than a texbook.

    "My wiki is my textbook now," he said. "This platform is infinitely better and gets better information from a variety of sources. It takes a year and half for a textbook to get published, and by the time that happens it is outdated. [The use of] textbooks will begin to fade ... and these more collaborative-based, environment will probably rise to the surface."

    Sunday, July 22, 2007

    Exeter College

    Tolkien came up to Oxford for Michaelmas term 1911. He had a scholarship from Exeter College to read Greats. He had rooms in college, in a building that no longer exists. Blackwell's Art and Poster shop is now on the site, but the rooms above are still Exeter students'. His room looked out onto Turl St. (The street in the photo). He got a second class in the Honour Moderations exam in his second year. As he was interested in languages, he was advised to change to English. He started English in Trinity term of 1913.

    In 1914 the First World War started. Tolkien finished his degree but joined the Officers Training Corps. In 1915 he completed his undergraduate course and joined the Lancashire Fusiliers and went to France in 1916 where he took part in the battle of the Somme. He was ill after that and spent the rest of the war in England, at first in Hospital, and then as a training officer.

    Affiliated and Associate Colleges

    Associate College:
    City of
    Westminster College

    The college is based in Paddington,
    Maida Vale, and Queen’s Park, and
    offers over 400 full- and part-time
    courses. The College has Centre
    of Vocational Excellence (CoVE)
    status in New Media Technology.
    It also provides the HNC course
    in association with the University in
    business. Foundation Degrees in Professional Photography and Music Technology are validated by the University. It also provides intensive A levels and Access to Higher Education
    programmes. For information telephone +44 (0)20 7723 8826, email or see

    Associate College:
    College of North West London

    Situated in Wembley Park, Willesden,

    and Kilburn, the College’s learning
    facilities include construction and motor vehicle workshops, hairdressing and beauty salons, travel agency and
    suites dedicated to electronics and
    computing. The College is a Centre
    of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) in
    three areas, including Construction. The Foundation Degree in Construction is validated by the University.
    For information telephone +44 (0)20 8208 5050, email or see

    Associate College:
    Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College

    Through four sites in Acton, Ealing,
    Hammersmith and Southall
    progression to HE and employment
    is offered in Business, Construction,
    Engineering, Health and Social
    Care, Hairdressing and Beauty
    Therapy, Information Communication
    Technology, Performing Arts, and Travel and Tourism. The Ealing Institute of Media has Centre of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) status and offers the full range of multimedia
    courses. For information telephone 0800 980 2175, email or see

    Associate College:
    Harrow College

    The College offers a broad range of
    courses, including academic and
    vocational Advanced Level and NVQ programmes, all facilitating progression to degree level. Particular strengths are the Access to HE courses specialising in Humanities, Nursing, and Teacher Training. The Certificate in Education is validated by the University. English as a Foreign Language (EFL) provision supports international students to reach the level of English required for entry. For information telephone +44 (0)20 8909 6000, email or see
    Associate College:
    Uxbridge College

    Situated in Hillingdon, the College offers over 250 different courses and students are encouraged to progress to courses at the University. The College offers a wide range of GCSE, AS and A level subjects in its new state-of-the-art Academy building, together with a broad range of courses for students wishing to launch or enhance their careers. The HNC in Business is validated by the University.
    For information telephone +44 (0)1895 853333, email
    or see
    Associate College:
    Westminster Kingsway College

    The College, based in Soho and
    Victoria, enjoys an international
    reputation for excellence in academic and vocational areas, including hospitality,
    languages, and visual and performing arts. The College provides a wide range of
    programmes from NVQs and A levels, to professional qualifications, and degree courses for students of all ages and backgrounds. The Foundation Degrees in Multimedia, Travel and Tourism, and Hospitality Management are validated by the University. For information telephone +44 (0)20 7306 5930, email or see


    Affiliated institution:

    British College of Osteopathic Medicine (BCOM)

    The College is a long standing validated partner of the University, whose specialist degrees are professionally accredited and complement those in the School of Biosciences. Students have access to excellent facilities in a purpose built learning environment with its own clinic near Regent’s Park, London. For information telephone +44 (0)20 7435 6464 or see

    Affiliated institution:

    Informatics Institute of Technology, in Colombo,

    Sri Lanka (IIT)

    IIT has been running UK degrees for the last decade. Its
    particular mission is to develop students’ knowledge and skills for employability, through the year-long industry placements, with an exhibition of projects, and good links with the British Computer Society (BCS) of Sri Lanka. For information telephone +94 11 236 0212, mobile +94 722 72 72 72, email or see

    Affiliated institution:

    Trinity College of Music

    Recognised as one of the most dynamic conservatoires in Europe, Trinity's collaboration with the University of Westminster's began some ten years ago with the validation of Trinity's first modular degree in performance. This degree provides performance training for entry to the music profession, with a range of options including Applied Music Technology, Dalcroze Eurhythmics, Kodaly Musicianship and Instrumental Conducting. Trinity is now located in the prestigious King Charles Court at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich. From here a new alliance has been developed with the Laban, located in the new award-winning building at Deptford Creekside. The Trinity Laban Conservatoire for Music and Dance was launched in 2004.

    Affiliated institution:
    Westminster International University in Tashkent

    The University has provided advice and direction on the establishment of this partner institution, through a consultancy contract with the Republic of Uzbekistan since 2002. WIUT follows the UK university model delivering undergraduate level modular
    courses through student-centred active learning and open debate. Honours degrees have been validated in business administration, business computing, economics, and law. A preparatory level International Foundation Studies programme is also offered. Successful students are conferred with academic awards in the University of Westminster. For information telephone +998 71 137 4654, email
    or see

    College History


    The T.K.M College of Engineering was crystallized in form and substance in 1956 and Dr.N.Rajendra Prasad, the first President of Independent India, laid the foundation stone. After a short span of two years, the College was formally inaugurated by, Prof.Humayun Kabir the Hon'ble minister for Scientific and Cultural Affairs on 3rd July 1958. This is the first private grant-in-aid Engineering College in the state.

    The college started with a student strength of 120 and a faculty of six offering courses in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and has an enviable reputation of being one of the premier technical institutions in the country. At present the college has a strength of more than 2000 students with about 200 staff members supported by 136 non-teaching staff. Right from the beginning , the T.K.M College of Engineering has been a trend setter in the field of technical education in Kerala ; setting and maintaining very high standards in education with main focus on all round development of students. The consistency with which the students have been securing major university ranks in the university examinations is a standing proof of excellent standards of the institution and training imparted by the college.

    The silver jubilee of the College was celebrated with elegance in 1983. In memory of this, a new building was constructed for the central library with all modern facilities.

    The college is located at Kilikollur, a beautiful suburb of the historic coastal town of Kollam on the Kollam-Sencottah road. The college is six kilometers away from Kollam junction and the institution is within easy reach, as a number of K.S.R.T.C as well as private buses regularly ply touching the College. Direct trains connect Kollam to all important cities of the country. The international airport at Thiruvananthapuram is only 70 Km's away and the Kochi Harbor is 160 Km's north.

    Saskatchewan Police College

    The Saskatchewan Police College, with offices and classrooms located at the University of Regina, was established under the authority of the Saskatchewan Police Commission by virtue of the Saskatchewan Police Act, 1990.

    The Saskatchewan Police College provides courses to personnel of accredited police services within the Province of Saskatchewan. Candidates from other agencies may attend courses only with the approval of the Director of the Police Commission and the Director of the Saskatchewan Police College.

    The Saskatchewan Police College is located in Room 217, College West Building at the University of Regina.

    Saturday, July 14, 2007

    Best Places to Work

    Welcome to the 2007 Best Places to Work rankings, which draw on responses from more than 221,000 civil servants to produce detailed rankings of employee engagement across 283 federal agencies and subcomponents.

    The Partnership for Public Service and American University's Institute for the Study of Public Policy Implementation use data from the Office of Personnel Management's Federal Human Capital Survey to rank agencies and subcomponents. Agencies and subcomponents are ranked on a Best Places to Work index score, which measures overall employee engagement. The Best Places to Work score is calculated both for the organization as a whole and also for specific demographic groups.

    In addition to this employee engagement rating, agencies and subcomponents are also scored in 10 workplace environment ("best in class") categories such as effective leadership, employee skills/mission match and work/life balance.

    BRAINTRACK - University

    The University-Index BRAINTRACK contains Internet-addresses of Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges and other Higher Educational Institutions. BRAINTRACK University-Index is the largest and most complete Education-Index on the Internet. The dynamic database of the University-Index is structured by countries and regions. It contains over 6900 higher educational links in 189 countires . The University-Index is maintained by a team of Swiss Graduates and Students.

    Best Colleges Rankings

    America's Best Colleges

    Princeton tops the annual list of the national universities, while the California Institute of Technology was named the best national value among more than 1,900 schools ranked and reviewed.

    • National Universities
    • Liberal Arts Colleges
    • Comprehensive Colleges
    • Master's Universities
    • Business Programs
    • Engineering Programs

    America's Best Graduate Schools

    Harvard took top billing in the business, medical research and education fields. More than 1,200 schools are ranked and included in our directory of graduate level programs.

    • Business
    • Law
    • Medicine
    • Engineering
    • Education
    • Public Affairs
    • Social Sciences & Humanities
    • The Sciences
    • Library & Information Studies
    • Health
    • Fine Arts

    Best Hospitals 2007

    Out of 5,462 hospitals only 173 made it in to the rankings in at least one of the 16 specialties. Once again, Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore tops the Honor Roll.

    • Cancer
    • Digestive Disorders
    • Ear, Nose & Throat
    • Endocrinology
    • Geriatrics
    • Gynecology
    • Heart
    • Kidney Disease
    • Neurology & Neurosurgery
    • Opthalmology
    • Orthopedics
    • Psychiatry
    • Rehabilitation
    • Respiratory Disorders
    • Rheumatology
    • Urology

    Best Health Plans

    New England is home to many of the best commercial, Medicaid and Medicare health plans in the country. U.S. News and the National Committee for Quality Assurance reviewed 684 plans.

    Honor Roll

    • Commercial
    • Medicaid
    • Medicare


    • Commercial
    • Medicaid
    • Medicare

    A-Z Index

    • Commercial
    • Medicaid
    • Medicare

    America's Best Leaders

    With Americans' faith in their leaders declining, U.S. News profiles 20 people that Harvard's Center for Public Leadership identified as the nation's best.

    • 10 Steps to Becoming a Great Leader
    • Poll: A Vote of No Confidence
    • Video: Profiles of Leadership

    Best Places to Work in the Federal Government

    The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Government Accountability Office, and Securities and Exchange Commission are among the best large federal agencies for which to work.

    • How Some Agencies Are Improving
    • The Rankings
    • A-Z Directory of Agencies

    Friday, July 6, 2007

    University Online

    AIU Online
    Earn your degree online, fast. AIU Online offers degree programs in Business Administration, Information Technology, Criminal Justice, Visual Communications, and Education. Bachelor's degrees can be earned quickly and conveniently, while Master's degrees can be earned in as little as 10 months. AIU Online's degree programs are designed for maximum flexibility—study at the times and places that work best for you. Click here to learn more.

    Colorado Technical University Online
    At Colorado Tech Online, you can earn a career-relevant degree in just 15 months*. Every CTU Online degree includes multiple Professional Certificates without additional courses or cost. Take your IT, Criminal Justice or Business Career to New Heights with Colorado Tech Online. Learn more today.

    Westwood College Online
    Get on the fast track to success with Westwood College Online. Start today by requesting more information on Westwood College Online. A Westwood College Admissions Representative will contact you to answer your questions.

    The Art Institute Online
    Get the skills you need for the career you want at The Art Institute Online. Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned professional, you can jump-start your career with a degree from The Art Institute Online, a division of The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Programs are available in Interactive Media Design, Web Design, Game Art & Design, Graphic Design, Digital Design, Interior Design, Hotel & Restaurant Management and Residential Planning.


    DeVry University

    Earn your degree from an accredited university that allows you to interact with faculty and other students as you learn. Bachelor's degree programs are offered in Business and Technology. Master's degree programs are offered in areas including Technology, Business Administration, and Public Services. No work experience is required and U.S. and Canadian residents are welcome to attend. Must be 17 years of age or older.

    University of Phoenix
    With convenient class locations as well as online learning, University of Phoenix makes quality higher education highly accessible. Whether you're seeking an associate's, bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree, we can help you reach your goal while you work—and much sooner than you might expect.

    Kaplan University
    Advance your career and get the distinct competitive advantage you need with an associate's, bachelor's or master's degree from this accredited school. Kaplan offers working adults online programs in Arts & Sciences, Business, Criminal Justice, Paralegal Studies and Information Systems & Technology. No work experience is required.

    Capella University

    Capella University is committed to delivering academic excellence online to our more than 15,700 learners. As an accredited university, we offer online undergraduate degrees in business and information technology and graduate degrees in business, education, human services, information technology, and psychology. Enrollment advisors and career counseling services are available to answer your questions. Contact us to learn more.

    Warren National University
    Earn your Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorate degree at home or on the road (no classroom attendance required). Apply your work experience and previous education towards your degree. Study courses that relate directly to your profession and complete your degree in 12 to 18 months.

    Wednesday, July 4, 2007

    business education

    A head start on entrepreneurship
    Cyndia Zwahlen
    Learning to set up a business is helping low-income youths gain a sense of the possible.
    Mayor gets closer to deal on a role in schools
    By Duke Helfand and Joel Rubin
    Villaraigosa hopes new board majority will be open to alliance, but details are under wraps.
    Capistrano schools again embroiled in a recall
    By Seema Mehta
    New effort in southern Orange County targets four trustees who were subjects of a previous attempt.
    A look at the incoming L.A. Unified school board
    By Howard Blume
    Thumbnail biographies of education officials as the new panel gives mayor a friendly majority.
    Stopgap school reform sought
    By Henry Weinstein
    A law targeting 'diploma mills' expires, leaving legislators grappling with how best to protect students.
    A more global way with education
    By Jon Boone
    LONDON — Two of the world's most buccaneering education entrepreneurs have teamed up to build 60 multimillion-dollar schools in big cities across the world. >>
    Success is outcome of mock trial
    By Carla Rivera
    Students from a rough L.A. area just played attorneys. But the experience let them know that they can be real ones someday.
    Justices reject school integration efforts
    By David G. Savage
    The 5-4 ruling amid strong dissent suggests a sharp change in direction for the Supreme Court and education policies.
    Small firm is big source of L.A. school consultants
    By Evelyn Larrubia
    TBI Associates, under scrutiny for alleged timecard fraud, supplies construction managers.
    2 charter schools get one-year reprieve
    By Howard Blume
    Discovery Preparatory, Pacifica plan to show state and local officials that they are improving.
    School board OKs general fund budget
    By Joel Rubin
    The Los Angeles Unified Board of Education on Thursday approved a $6.2-billion general fund budget for the coming school year.
    In Seattle, emotional reactions to ruling
    By Tomas Alex Tizon and Lynn Marshall
    For the mother who led a 2000 lawsuit, the Supreme Court's decision is a vindication. The school district finds some solace.
    Officials ponder meaning of ruling for L.A. Unified
    By Howard Blume and Mitchell Landsberg
    Some experts say the school system is immune from the decision's effects, but others disagree. A big question: What about the magnet program?
    'This is a very lame excuse to tell a school system that they don't have to use race as an arbiter to help kids achieve and get a fair deal. In a world that still has the vestiges of racism, that's a ridiculous rationale.'
    Green Dot plans a school in New York
    By Joel Rubin
    The teachers union is to run the campus with the charter group, a setup rejected by United Teachers Los Angeles.
    Board won't bar alleged molester from schools
    By Garrett Therolf
    School psychologist won't lose his license. The alleged victim's mother is 'outraged.'
    Reel life was his real love
    By Shawn Hubler
    He may be unknown to moviegoers, but retiring Crossroads School teacher Jim Hosney has had a profound influence on what they see.
    L.A. Unified weighs facility fees for youth groups
    By Joel Rubin
    Plan draws anger, but officials cite need to close budget gap.
    Marx loses currency in new China
    By Mitchell Landsberg
    Teaching socialism is mandatory, but learning it is monotonous for today's students, who revere money more than Mao.
    Justices let schools ban pro-drug signs
    By David G. Savage
    High court rules, 5-4, that administrators have the right to discipline students for promoting illegal activities.
    Schools call roll at a border crossing
    By Nicholas Riccardi
    Students routinely walk from homes in Mexico to attend public institutions in the U.S. In Arizona, one district has chosen not to ignore the violation.
    Toxic mold to delay start of classes at high school in Lodi
    Cleanup measures are expected to cost millions of dollars. District officials seek funding.
    Put to the test
    By Shari Roan
    More schools are asking students to take drug tests, saying it gives them a reason to 'say no.' Addiction experts contend results are unreliable.
    These educators have seen what works
    Bob Sipchen
    I'm haunted by a recurring vision. A limitless throng of yammering teachers, think tankers and ivory tower types descend upon those of us interested in education, burying us in their latest books. Down onto our psyches they thunder, snowboarding atop an avalanche of hardbacks and paperbacks — billions and billions of them — each offering some new solution to schooling's woes.
    If wired right, computers do belong in classrooms
    Bob Sipchen
    A buzzed-about U.S. Department of Education study released this month found that some popular software programs schools use to teach math and reading are pretty worthless.

    Sunday, July 1, 2007



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    Wednesday, June 20, 2007


    Collage (From the French: coller, to stick) is regarded as a work of visual arts made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole. Use of this technique made its dramatic appearance among oil paintings in the early 20th century as an art form of groundbreaking novelty.

    An artistic collage work may include newspaper clippings, ribbons, bits of colored or hand-made papers, portions of other artwork, photographs, and such, glued to a solid support or canvas. An innovative collage technique that eliminates liquid adhesives from the collage assembly process was developed by Jonathan Talbot, who creates multi-dimensional collage-constructions.
    Origins of the technique

    Techniques of collage were first used at the time of the invention of paper in China around 200 BC. The use of collage, however, remained very limited until the 10th century in Japan, when calligraphers began to apply glued paper, using texts on surfaces, when writing their poems.[1]

    The technique of collage appeared in medieval Europe during the 13th century. Gold leaf panels started to be applied in Gothic cathedrals around the 15th and 16th centuries. Gemstones and other precious metals were applied to religious images, icons, and also, to coats of arms.[1]

    In the 19th century, collage methods also were used among hobbyists for memorabilia (i.e. applied to photo albums) and books (i.e. Hans Christian Andersen, Carl Spitzweg).[1]

    The term collage derives from the French "colle" meaning "glue".[2] This term was coined by both Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso in the beginning of the 20th century when collage became a distinctive part of modern art.

    Saturday, June 16, 2007


    Online education: your ticket to a successful career. Whether you've just graduated from high school, are returning to college after a few years in the workplace, or simply want to continue your education while working a full-time job, is a great resource to begin researching your educational options.

    Search over 600+ online education courses in our online course catalog, and study at home, on your own schedule. offers listings of over 2,200 online and campus-based colleges and universities that can be easily found with our Campus Finder. Or find a degree among over 200 different online degrees listed. offers information on each US state, Puerto Rico, and international opportunities in Canada, Mexico, Australia, Europe, the UK, and Asia.
    Why is accredited online education important today?

    As technology changes and the workplace evolves, there is a need for more formal education to get the jobs most desired in today's job market. Fortunately, getting a degree or continuing your education has never been easier. Getting information online is easy and allows you to contact several e-learning universities or schools to find the best one for you. Distance learning colleges and schools listed on have been researched and screened by us in order to ensure they meet the standard of quality one would expect from a traditional accredited or state approved campus-based school.

    Friday, June 15, 2007

    online collage

    ARGOSY UNIVERSITY - offers bachelors, masters, and doctoral (PsyD) degrees in psychology, bachelors, masters (MBA) and doctoral (DBA) degrees in business, and masters, specialist, and doctoral degrees (EdD) in education. In addition to their online programs, Argosy has campus-based programs in Georgia, Illinois, Hawaii, Texas, Arizona, California, Florida, Washington, Minnesota, and Washington, D.C.
    ART INSTITUTE ONLINE - The Art Institute Online is a division of The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, a fully accredited institution with a more than eighty (80) year history. Students may earn an online diploma or degree by completing a series of accelerated 5 1/2 week courses. Diplomas are offered in digital design, residential planning, and web design. Students can earn an online degree at the bachelors level in advertising, fashion & retail management, game art & design, graphic design, hotel and restaurant management, interactive media design, interior design, media arts & animation, and culinary management.

    At the associate level, students may earn an online degree in graphic design or interactive media design.

    Elsewhere on this site you can find information on campus-based Art Institute certificate and degree programs in Virginia, Georgia, Massachusetts, South Carolina, North Carolina, Illinois, Ohio, Texas, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Nevada, California, Minnesota, Tennessee, New York, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Oregon, and Washington.

    ASHFORD UNIVERSITY - Ashford University, accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, offers both distance education bachelors and masters degree programs. Students earn an online degree by completing a sequence of 6-week accelerated online courses. Federal Stafford Student Loan, Federal PLUS Loan, and Federal Pell Grant are available to qualified students. Distance education bachelors degrees can be earned in psychology or in organizational management with concentrations in accounting, applied behavioral science, biology, business administration, child study, communications, computer graphic design, criminal justice, culinary arts management, and early childhood education. Additional distance education degree programs at the bachelors level are available in education, elementary education, engineering studies, English and language arts, fashion merchandising, health care administration, history, hospitality management, human services administration, liberal studies, marketing, mathematics, physical education, political science, psychology, public administration, retail management, sociology, and visual communication.

    Ashford offers online masters degree programs in business administration and education.

    Ashford is both a traditional and online college. Its distance degree programs are administered from its campus in Iowa.

    A.T. STILL UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES - A.T. Still University, established more than 100 years ago, includes the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, the International School of Health Management, the Arizona School of Health Sciences, and the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health (ASDOH). The University offers the following programs online; master of geriatric health management, master of health administration, master of health education, master of public health, master of science in advanced physician assistant studies - education and leadership, master of science in advanced physician assistant studies -family and emergency medicine, master of science in advanced physician assistant studies - forensic medicine, and master of science in advanced physician assistant studies - sports medicine.
    BAKER COLLEGE - Baker College offers online degrees (associate, bachelors and masters) in programs of study which include computer programming, web design, general business, human resources management, management, marketing, business management, information systems, computer science, and health services administration. Baker's tuition is extremely cheap...half the cost of some online colleges and universities.
    BELLEVUE UNIVERSITY - Bellevue University offers online degree programs leading to a BA leadership, BS in business administration, BS in business information systems, BS in corrections administration and management, BS in criminal justice administration, BS in healthcare management, BS in human and social services administration, BS in internet systems and software technology, BS in management, BS in management information systems, BS in management of human resources, BS in marketing management, BS in security management, MA in leadership, MA in management, MBA, MS in computer information systems, MS in healthcare administration, and an MS in security management.

    Bellevue is a traditional and online university based in Nebraska.

    BENEDICTINE UNIVERSITY - Ranked as one of the top universities and a best educational value in the Midwest by "US News and World Report" in 2005, Benedictine University offers a fully online MBA with a choice of concentrations in international business, financial management, health administration, and marketing management. In addition, the University now offers a master of public health degree online. Student services to distance education students include online tech support, career services assistance, and professional financial aid counseling.

    Benedictine is a traditional and online university based Illinois.

    BERKELEY COLLEGE - Clicking on the link to the left will take you to a site which will offer information about Berkeley's online programs and the traditional degree programs at their New York and New Jersey campuses. Among their online offerings are associate degrees in information systems management, business management, marketing, health services administration, and international business. In addition, Berkeley offers an online B.B.A. (bachelor of business administration) and bachelor of science (B.S.) degrees in business administration, international business, marketing, criminal justice, justice studies, management, entrepreneurship, and human resources management.
    BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY - This traditional and online university is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Graduate certificates in school technology coordination and technology integration are offered via online study, as are a master of educational technology degree( M.ET.), and a master of science in educational technology.
    BOSTON UNIVERSITY - Students may enroll in a distance education undergraduate degree completion program or Boston University's online masters degree program in criminal justice designed to meet the needs of law enforcement professionals.

    Boston University, the fourth largest private university in the U.S. and an institution perennially ranked by "U.S. News & World Report", also now offers an online paralegal certificate program taught by practicing attorneys. The program employs case study and includes instruction in the use of PACER, Westlaw, LiveNote, and CaseMap.
    BOWLING GREEN UNIVERSITY - Bowling Green University, one of the best known and highest quality universities in Ohio, now offers a distance education masters degree in criminal justice.
    BRYANT AND STRATTON COLLEGE - Bryant and Stratton enables students to earn an accredited associates degree online in less than two years. Their online associates degrees are offered in accounting, business, and information technology. Financial aid is available to qualified students.

    Bryant and Stratton is both an online college and a college with 15 campuses in the states of New York, Ohio, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

    Online Degrees...

    Online Degrees...

    Accredited Online Degrees and Distance Learning

    As you probably know, you can now earn college or university degrees online, in a distance education program, a weekend program, or by other nontraditional means. Some of the best online degrees, and distance education degree programs are listed below. The online and external degree granting colleges and universities below will be happy to send you free information...just click on their names or banners. We encourage you to contact several of them and see which best meet your needs.

    AMERICAN INTERCONTINENTAL UNIVERSITY - American InterContinental University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. This 35 year old online college offers associate degrees in business administration, human resources, healthcare administration, information systems, visual communications, and criminal justice administration. Bachelors degrees may be earned in business administration, accounting and finance, human resource management, international business, management, project management, organizational psychology, healthcare management, marketing, information technology, computer systems, network administration, programming, internet security, visual communications, and criminal justice.

    Online masters degrees include a master of education (with several specialty options) and an MBA (with concentrations in areas including accounting and finance, human resource management, international business, management, project management, operations management, organizational psychology and development, marketing, and healthcare management). AIU also offers an online masters in the field of information technology.

    In addition to being an online university, AIU has campuses in Georgia, Illinois, Texas, California, and Florida.

    AMERICAN SENTINEL UNIVERSITY - American Sentinel University was created from the merger of three established online universities; Sentinel University, American School of Graduate Management, and the American College of Computer and Information Sciences (ACCIS). The university offers online bachelors degrees in computer science, information systems, management information systems, and business administration, plus an accelerated MBA (master of business administration), an executive MBA (masters of business administration) degree program, an executive MBA in international business, an online master of science in nursing, and more.

    American Sentinel is an online university with administrative offices in Alabama and Colorado.

    ANTHEM COLLEGE - Anthem College offers an online degree completion program in medical billing and coding, distance education bachelors degrees in business management, health management, technology management, and criminal justice (with concentrations in correctional administration, judicial administration, juvenile justice, and law enforcement), and masters degrees via online education in business management, health management, technology management, and criminal justice, with the same concentrations available in the online bachelors degree programs.

    Anthem is an online college based in Arizona.